"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships..."
- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Illinois State Society Member
From The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, “Letter to Joseph Gillespie” (July 13, 1849), p. 57.
The Illinois State Society (ILSS) is an active non-partisan, non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the history, culture, commerce, sports and social traditions of Illinois in the Nation's Capitol.
With a welcoming and open membership along with a robust calendar of social networking, educational and volunteer activities throughout the year, The ILSS has a proud heritage since 1854 of being the oldest and first state society in Washington, D.C. |
Join Us!The Illinois State Society has a rich history of active membership and involvement in the Washington, D.C. community and at home in Illinois. Membership within the society is open to anyone and any organization with an affinity for Illinois culture and heritage.
"...For more than a quarter century I have lived among you, and during all that time I have received nothing but kindness at your hands..."
- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, on leaving Illinois to Washington, D.C.
From the Illinois State Journal, Springfield, Illinois. February 12, 1861. Departure of Mr. Lincoln - Parting Address
The Illinois State Society would like to thank our sponsors for their generous donations.
Thank you to the following companies for being Illinois State Society sponsors for 2019!
Thank you to the following companies for being Illinois State Society sponsors for 2019!